Coexist Yoga Studio 2799 Côte Saint-Charles, Saint-Lazare, Quebec, CanadaNew intimate studio, maximum 10 people
New intimate studio, maximum 10 people
Join me for this special session to celebrate my 100th KAP sessions! For the occasion and to thank you for your trust, I am happy to offer 50% off the...
SEMI-PRIVATE - Intimate settings & cozy studio with a maximum of 10 people
Je suis vraiment heureuse d'offrir ma toute première séance dans ce merveilleux bâtiment historique assis sur la Rivière à Simon en plein cœur de la nature à Morin-Heights! En plus...
SEMI-PRIVATE - Intimate settings & cozy studio with a maximum of 10 people
Special Extra Long Session of 90 min This immersion is the opportunity to dive deeper into the process of KAP and your personal growth