Elevating the consciousness of humanity
One soul at a time

Welcome to my website!

I’m so glad you’re here. This space is dedicated to sharing my passions, projects, and the little things that make life beautiful. Whether you’re looking to book a session, information, or simply looking for a friendly space to browse,I hope you find what you’re seeking! Feel free to explore the various sections! And if you have any questions or just want to say hello, head over to the contact page. I love connecting with new people and hearing your thoughts. Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy your time here!

How to prepare
for a session

Aftercare guide:

Aftercare: A Gentle Guide to Nurturing Your Spirit

After each session, emotions can emerge like waves—sometimes uplifting, other times revealing vulnerability or even frustration. This is natural, and each feeling is a key part of your growth.

Your journey with Kundalini Shakti will offer guidance, teaching you how to honor yourself and maintain balance as your vibrational energy rises. You may notice more synchronicities and a deepening connection to your intuition.

Here’s how to care for yourself after:

🌿 Honor Your Body: After an intense experience, slow down. Breathe deeply, drink plenty of water, and rest. Pay attention to what your body craves—nourishing food, a nap, or just stillness. Your physical well-being is the foundation of everything.

🧘 Reconnect to Your Inner World: Make space for yourself to reflect and integrate what you’ve experienced. Meditate to quiet your mind, journal to process thoughts, or go for a walk in nature to ground yourself. These moments of stillness will help you tap into the wisdom you’ve unlocked.

💡 Stay High Vibe: As you move forward, prioritize activities that bring you joy and foster your growth. Limit substances like alcohol or drugs, as they can lower your vibrational frequency. Instead, surround yourself with positivity—whether through music, art, reading, or time with loved ones.

💪 Embrace Presence: Rather than always “doing,” allow yourself moments of simply “being.” Tune into the present moment, let go of distractions like social media, and let your life force flow naturally. Joy often comes from the simplest pleasures—find beauty in stillness.

Trust in the process, knowing that every step on this path is leading you toward deeper understanding and higher connection. Each post-session phase is an opportunity to nurture your spirit and let your light shine brighter. 🌟



I am Stephanie, and I have always been fascinated by the essence of our existence, the mysteries of the universe, the beauty of our planet, and the interconnected energy of all things. Since childhood, I have been curious about spirituality, searching for meaning and wisdom. In my journey, I have participated in various healing sessions and ceremonies around the globe.

During a profound Ayahuasca ceremony, I felt the pain of humanity and heard the call to help the world and elevate human frequencies. Through practices like Kundalini Activation, I uncovered my authentic purpose.


I am Stephanie, and I have always been fascinated by the essence of our existence, the mysteries of the universe, the beauty of our planet, and the interconnected energy of all things. Since childhood, I have been curious about spirituality, searching for meaning and wisdom. In my journey, I have participated in various healing sessions and ceremonies around the globe.

During a profound Ayahuasca ceremony, I felt the pain of humanity and heard the call to help the world and elevate human frequencies. Through practices like Kundalini Activation, I uncovered my authentic purpose.
